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Trevor Warkentin

High School Principal

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Middle School Principal


Laurie Dyck

Elementary School Principal

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Chris Franczyk

Director of Student Services


The Administration Office is located at the High School end of the building at 437 Matheson Avenue. 


The current administrative structure for academic issues calls for a Superintendent who oversees all campuses, and a Principal at each campus location.  It is our sincere desire that the Administrative team will have a good knowledge of each area of the school and will be increasingly accessible to the parents/guardians of the students.


All administrative staff get together to pray and discuss school-wide issues.  Items that are most serious in nature are discussed and prayed over to be sure that decisions are made with discernment and wisdom.

Mission, Vision, Values


To provide an excellent, holistic, Bible-based and Christ-centered education program to K-12 students for the glory of God.


To see our students know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and grow socially, emotionally, academically, and spiritually in relationship with Him and others – equipped to live lives of faithful service for the glory of God upon graduation.


Faith Academy is a conservative, evangelical, Christian educational institution that adheres to the standards of education set by the Province of Manitoba. There are Bible classes scheduled for the teaching of Christian content, and Biblical principles are integrated into all facets of the educational program as well as the general life of the school. By way of classroom discussions, learning activities, and social interactions, a Biblical perspective and worldview is maintained.


Faith Academy is open to any student who is willing to follow the Faith Academy school guide, and the school maintains a commitment to enroll a significant number of students from the North End of Winnipeg. Parents/Guardians and students need to be respectful of the particular doctrinal position and perspective of Faith Academy as outlined in the Faith Academy Statement of Faith. 

Statemet of Faith

We believe God has revealed to all people His truth in the Bible and that the original manuscripts were fully inspired and without error. We believe it is the supreme authority in all matters of faith and practice.


We believe there is one God: all knowing, infinite, eternal, almighty and perfect in holiness, truth and love. God exists in three equally divine Persons; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They are co-equal, co-existent and co-eternal deserving worship and obedience.


We believe that God the Father is the sovereign ruler, the creator of heaven and earth. He is an infinite, personal Spirit, perfect in holiness, power, wisdom and love. He is merciful with His creation, hears and answers prayer, and He saves from sin and spiritual death all those who come to Him through Jesus Christ.


We believe in Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, the eternal Word made flesh. Through Him all things came into being. We believe in His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles and teachings. We believe that as our representative and substitute He died, was buried and was resurrected bodily. Christ ascended into Heaven where He now intercedes for His people and is preparing a place for them. We believe in Christ’s personal, visible return to earth. He is fully God and fully man. He is the Head of His body, the Church, and should be adored, loved, served, and obeyed by all.


We believe the Holy Spirit came forth from the Father and Son, and convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. He indwells, guides, instructs and empowers every believer in Christ and is to be respected, honored, and worshipped as God.


We believe God made humanity in His own image, as the crown of His creation, that all might have fellowship with Him. Tempted by Satan, humanity rebelled against God. As a result every person is a sinner and therefore under the condemnation of spiritual death being bound to an eternal place in hell separated from God, and in need of a Saviour.


We believe God works in the hearts of those who come to faith in Him. They encounter God’s Spirit lovingly convicting them, bringing them to repentance, forgiving and fully accepting them, and changing their hearts to desire His holiness and His way for the world. We believe the Holy Spirit gives rebirth to those who place their faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. He gives them confidence of an eternal place in heaven with God and desires to fill each believer continually with increased power for Christian life and witness, and imparts His supernatural gifts to equip believers for Godly living and ministry in the world.


We believe that the Bible teaches that marriage refers to a covenant relationship, instituted by God and officially affirmed in a provincially licensed civil or religious ceremony, between one biologically born man and one biologically born woman. This was instituted by God in the beginning and has significance in revealing aspects of the image of God and His relationship to believers. We believe the family is the basic building unit of society. We believe that believers should not unite with unbelievers in marriage. We believe that marriage is intended to last a lifetime, but that the Bible permits divorce with the implied right to re-marry in the cases of adultery or desertion by an unbeliever.


We believe that every individual is directly responsible to God. Within our community we believe in the authority of Government, nevertheless, in matters of disagreement between the Bible and the Government we believe we must obey God. We believe that we can promote our Mission Statement most effectively by co-operating with likeminded ministries, provided that the truth of scripture is not compromised.


We believe that true followers of Jesus accept Him as Lord and should be living for the glory of God and the well-being of others. We believe that their conduct should be a testimony of Biblical values before the world, that they should be faithful stewards and should seek to realize for themselves and others full maturity in Christ. We believe that the cost of discipleship is high.


We believe all truth is God’s truth. Within our community, we believe the above to be core truths. We desire to allow freedom of conviction on other matters, provided they do not conflict with the Bible nor become an issue of division.


The administrative or governing structure for Faith Academy Inc. is set up as follows:



A Board of Directors is elected each year as the final governing authority of Faith Academy. At the director level, all policy decisions are made including the final budget approval, salary and fee structures, school calendar approval, and the hiring of the school Superintendent and Principals. This Board is also responsible to ensure compliance with the Manitoba Department of Education directives. There are five directors on the Board presently.


Current Board of Directors

  • Greg Stetski, Chair

  • Bill Cavey

  • Lindell Page

  • Frank Ulrich

  • ​Kevin Lariviere​

  • Tim Harris

Board of Directors


The members of Faith Academy Inc. are elected from the Parent Council, the staff and a member at large (nominated by the other members) and also include the Superintendent of Faith Academy and the Executive Director of Union Gospel Mission. The primary function of this body is to elect Directors and annually receive and approve reports on the functions of the school.


Current Members:  

  1. Faith Academy, Superintendent

    • James Harnett

  2. Faith Academy, Staff Representative (elected by staff)         

    • Dave Ingels

  3. Faith Academy, Parent Advisory Council Member (elected by PAC) 

    • Cara Franczyk

  4. Faith Academy, Board of Directors Representative 

    • Lindell Page

  5. Member at Large 

    • Gilbert Plante

  6. Union Gospel Mission, Executive Director

    • Frank Ulrich​



The parents of students in the school elect the Parent Council. All parents have one vote, which can be exercised as elections are held. Separate By-laws have been established for this council that can be made available from the school office. The Parent Council represents all the parents via letter and survey of opinion – thus meetings are not normally public except upon discussion of special items.


The function of the Parent Council is to advise and provide parental input to the Principal, Vice-principals, administration and Board of the school on any school-related matters. A secretary is elected annually from among the council members. Presently, the council is made up of nine elected members including one representative from the Pritchard campus.


The Parent Council meets approximately four to five times a year and functions as an advisory council to the administration.


Please feel free to email the Parent Council secretary with any comments, questions or concerns you may have.  We will always respond back after the matter has been brought forth in a meeting.


If you are interested in joining the Parent Council, please email the Superintendent 

Parent Council



From very modest beginnings in a church basement with 33 students, Faith Academy has been blessed by God to the point where there are now nearly 600 students enrolled in three locations.


When the school began in 1983, no one could foresee the tremendous growth the school would undergo.  From 1983 to 1990 the school was located in the basement of Faith Baptist Church at the corner of Pritchard and Sgt. Tommy Prince. In 1990 the whole school moved to 600 Jefferson Avenue and operated there until 1997. In June of 1997, the whole school moved into the building on 437 Matheson Avenue and the 600 Jefferson Avenue building was rented out to another Christian school. That school stopped its operation and with our continued growth, we required adding a second location and moved the Middle School students to the Jefferson location, which now hosts 160 students in a Grade 5 – 8 program.  The Matheson Campus now hosts K-4 at the East side of the building and 9-12 in the West side of the building.


In 1990 Faith Academy began a partnership with Union Gospel Mission in which we welcomed sponsored students to join the campus.


This relationship grew as Faith Academy became the education partner of Faith Learning Centre – a ministry of Union Gospel Mission. Faith Learning Centre is an adult education program located at 220 Pritchard Avenue that covers a variety of subject areas at the Grade 9 – 12 levels. The primary objective of the Faith Learning Centre is to equip men and women in the core area of Winnipeg with the academic qualifications necessary for entrance into the workforce or other learning institutions.


Pritchard Campus

In 2005 Faith Academy extended their ministry partnership with Union Gospel Mission by adding an elementary school at 220 Pritchard Avenue.  This is a Kindergarten to Grade 3 program and includes a 4-year-old Kindergarten program.  It is a community school for those living in the immediate area.  Union Gospel Mission provides a sponsorship program so that all the students who attend the Pritchard campus can attend without having to pay a tuition fee.  This support also extends to students who attend other grades at the Matheson and Jefferson campuses.  UGM provides support for up to 100 students.  Both school and UGM staff members maintain regular supportive contact with the families of sponsored students.


For more information on school sponsorship program, please see UGM’s Adopt-a-Student program.


From 1996 until 2013, Faith Academy also operated a Stonewall campus, as a partnership with Faith Academy Stonewall New Life Baptist Church in Stonewall. This provided a local Christian school for Stonewall students. In 2013, this campus was closed and students are now bused from Stonewall to the Winnipeg campuses.

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