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Faith Academy is a not-for-profit educational institution and a registered Canadian Charity. Donations towards our programming are accepted and charitable receipts are issued annually.  






Union Gospel Mission provides a sponsorship program so that all the students who attend the Pritchard campus can attend without having to pay a tuition fee. This support also extends to students who attend other grades at the Matheson and Jefferson campuses.

UGM provides support for up to 100 students. Both school and UGM staff members maintain regular supportive contact with the families of sponsored students.


Sponsorship can be done through UGM’s Adopt-a-Student program.


You can also make donations to Faith Academy by dropping a cheque off to the office or through Canada Helps.


Faith Academy is a registered charity ministering in the North End of the city of Winnipeg.  We believe that no student should ever be refused acceptance to the school because of a lack of money.  Accordingly, we provide assistance in the form of reduced fees where possible.  While the Lord sees these needs, if you are willing to help we certainly appreciate any size of donation.



The mission teams each have a trip that they prepare for, but their primary focus is discipleship and spiritual growth within the school throughout the year.


The Mission 2 team is made up of Grade 12 students. Each Mission 2 team member is expected to take a leadership role throughout the school and specifically focus on a group of students whom they encourage and disciple. To be chosen for a mission team, students must apply and have a willingness to serve in this capacity, and have a growing relationship with Christ. A staff member takes responsibility to pray for, encourage and mentor the team members and holds them accountable for discipling other students. The team members also have an opportunity to participate in an international trip. In the past, the missions teams have gone to places such as eastern Europe and Central America. To participate in this trip, each member must be able to raise finances, get their passport and visa, receive parental permission and commit the time to go. They have opportunities to get involved in a variety of fundraising efforts such as the Quiz Night, Pancake Breakfast, Cafés and coupon book sales to help raise money for their trip.


The Mission 1 team is made up of students from Grade 10 through 12 and works with Pathway Ministries. They travel to Fairford, Manitoba during Spring Break to run a day camp for local children. The team meets for a monthly outing to serve in the local community at places such as Union Gospel Mission and Agape Table. They also participate in an urban plunge in the North End and go on a 2-day winter retreat.

Missions Teams

Each year students go on field trips to enhance their learning experiences. These trips often include trips to the Manitoba Museum, Festival du Voyageur, Fort Whyte Centre, Harbourview and various activities according to lessons learned in the curriculum or opportunities for extra sports events. These trips occur during school hours and bussing is provided for students to and from the activity. A small fee is often charged to cover some costs and a parent permission form will be sent home and must be returned in order for students to leave the campus to participate.


In some years there are also extra events planned which may include extended day or overnight retreats.


Grade 8 Retreat—Middle School Jefferson


At the beginning of October, students spend two days at Red Rock Bible Camp for a Grade 8 retreat. They participate in fun outdoor activities and learn about having a friendship with God. It is a great chance for students to spend time together and be challenged in their faith as they start their final year at the Middle School.


Grade 10 Retreat


Each year the Grade 10 class enjoys a full day in Gimli, Manitoba for a time of building community looking ahead or reflecting on each student’s identity, and faith. It also includes swimming, games and lunch together.


Grade 11 Ottawa Trip


Every year the Grade 11 class travels to Ottawa, our nation’s capital city. The students visit many historical locations such as the Parliament buildings, the Museum of Civilization, the National Art Gallery, Upper Canada Village and many more. Although the trip is heavily subsidized by the school, there are still costs borne by the students. Fees to cover the cost of entrance, transportation around the city, lodging and meals while in Ottawa are required before students are permitted to go. The students will be offered the opportunity to sell chocolates to raise money.


Grade 12 Retreats – Roseau River, fall retreat and Camp Arnes, winter retreat


Every year the Grade 12 class travels to Roseau River Bible Camp for a chance to experience the outdoors. Very few experiences provide the opportunity for personal growth and friendships to develop, like this retreat. Roseau River Bible Camp is a Christian community; all campers and staff are encouraged to encounter God in the midst of creation. Some of the activities are canoeing, swimming and hiking, with some good old fashioned bonding by the fire.


Camp Arnes is located on the shores of Lake Winnipeg, 19 km north of Gimli, situated on 320 acres of wooded forest and meadows. This retreat setting is a great and effective way to provide godliness in the students while experiencing God’s creation. This winter retreat is an amazing experience that they won’t forget. Sleeping in cabins, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, skating, and indoor activities like ping-pong are some highlights.


School Trips

This is an adult education program covering a variety of subject areas at the Grade 9 – 12 levels. It is located at the Union Gospel Mission’s Family Life Centre, 220 Pritchard Avenue. The primary objective of the Faith Learning Centre is to equip men and women in the core area of Winnipeg with the academic qualifications necessary for entrance into the work force or other learning institutions.

Faith Learning Center
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